security capstone | Jan - March 2021 HTML, CSS, JavaScript Team: Megan Calverley, Linda Vong, Danica Villez, Claire Beard
For our security capstone, our team wanted to focus on providing accessible explanations of web security concepts and actionable suggestions to readers. Our project consists of a Chrome extension and a website that explains internet safety and security concepts to non-technical folks. The website has information about what data tech companies have about users, what is done with that data, how that impacts users, and real world examples of the consequences of poor security. However, since internet safety information has a tendency to overwhelm users so they do not take any action to improve their security, the Chrome extension shares non-invasive pop-ups with specific information based on the website the user is on. The extension also provides a tool for checking password strength that helps users implement the password security tips they've learned from our website.
Check out our website and Chrome extension.